Friday, January 06, 2006

This is the story of Sid, who woke up one day to find that he had become a large head. Part 5.

It was when the pig looked up at him that he knew this wasn't right. Everything didn't seem right in this so called Land of Rob but he could somehow tell that he wasn't in the woodland anymore but in some sort of copy of it. Even with the sounds of birds, the smell of pine and his little piggy friend was there as it was before but it just didn't seem real somehow. What was it that made him feel this way?

Suddenly the pig chuckled. "I see it happened to you too. I know I'm a pig but a giant head, now that is new." It was now clear what is was that was wrong. This had already happened. Had he gone bad in time? With all that had happened this seemed very likely. He thought he'd play along and see what would happen this time. But it didn't go on much longer.

The whole world seemed to dissapear and the pig changed to that small pink fluffy thing. The woodland changed back to the passage of that castle he was in a few seconds ago. Everything was happening at once and Sid began to wonder if this was a dream, this world was mad and he was quite sick it of it now.

The small pink fluffy thing floated over to him and whispered urgently to him. "I bring word from the arm chair, a rescue is in progress for you."

Sid sighed. He had had enough of this. He now understood why Bill the Happy Bunny wanted revenge on this Rob. What right had this person to send people here against their will and turn them into things. And now this. Bring word from an arm chair? Oh come on. But he might as well follow this small fluff ball as there seemed nothing else to do.

A secret door appeared, coughed, danced a jig then opened to reveal many strange things all moving and talking. There was a toaster, a telephone, a CD, a tennis racket, a balloon and many other things. The pink fluffy thing floated high above them all and spoke. "Prisoners of Bill the Happy Bunny. Jake the ArmChair has come to free you all." To Sid's amazement these house hold goods began to cheer. Each one used to be a person with a life, Sid said to himself. How can they be happy here?

The things began to move down a corridor that sung away to them all. With merry dances and clangings from these things the whole room moved cheerfully along. The noise was not helping Sid's bad temper. He had had enough of all this nonsense and randomness. This had all gone too far. He almost wanted to join Bill's campain.

As if in answer to that thought there came a sound that silenced everything. All the items stopped moving at once. And for a while they just stayed motionless. Then suddenly with many bangs and yells they began to make an atempt at running. Sid looked around to the passage they had just walked down. No longer was it lit and dancing but now it was dark. So very dark. An icy wind was blowing down it growing stronger everysecond. Then the sound again. An icy scream to match the wind. The sounds of the others died and echoed away in his mind for a while. It was growing darker. So dark he could hardly see. Then there it was.

Two white ghosts of eyes were charging at him screaming high pitched and spine chillingly. There was no doubt it was Bill the Happy Bunny after them. Everyone was running in a panic. Fearing for their very lives. But for some reason Sid didn't move. He didn't want to. This rabbit wanted what he wanted. It was his ticket out of this insane world and he now wanted to help in ending all of this and putting a stop to this Rob once and for all before anyone else ended up here.

The eyes raced towards him now at an insane speed charing down the corridor leaving only darkness behind. The cold wind was now a storm banging all sides of Sid. His ears had lost all sound and his eyes could see nothing more than the two empty dead ones that were whizzing towards him faster and faster. The warmth from Sid left and he suddenly felt all of his very soul being sucked out of him. Feeling empty, cold, alone yet happy. An evil smile grew on his face. His eyes grew dead and he looked at nothing anymore. With a single thought he had joined Bill the Happy Bunny and had become just like him. When the eyes reached him he was no longer Sid.

The whole world grew dark around him. Only now did he relise what had happened. Only now did Sid see what he had done. But it was too late.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad about no pictures this time but what plot twist!

January 09, 2006 12:47 PM  
Blogger Rob-151 said...

Yer we sort of lost the pictures.

January 09, 2006 2:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


January 15, 2006 7:21 AM  
Blogger Rob-151 said...

The story is on a cliffhanger. Stay tuned I will add the next part before the week is out. Questions will be answered. The story is coming together.

January 16, 2006 1:38 PM  

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