Saturday, December 17, 2005

This is the story of Sid, who one day woke up to find that he had become a large head. Part 4.

What he saw was not the site he had expected. A giant rabbit with glowing orbs for eyes. It's face set in a grin that did not imply humour more insanity yet when looking at both the mouth and eyes as one Sid felt a sinister chill. This rabbit looked possessed by something. Some kind of ghostly like being that made this rabbit stare forwards at eternity and quack like a duck for no reason.

Sid gazed at so called "Bill the Happy Bunny" for what seemed like a long time before anything happened. There was a deep wheezing sound and then a voice to match that came from the direction of Bill but not from him. The quacking stopped instantly. With the voice that followed the whole room seemed to darken. The gold no longer reflecting any light and those two white orbs glowed brighter. "Welcome to this strange new land, Sid. We hope you feel content with your room for you shall be here for a long time. Do not think that you are important. You have been selected randomly for my experiments."

Sid couldn't help but shake. This voice seemed to freeze his very soul. The voice continued. "Rob sent me here and made me suffer in this form. Now with my new power I shall take my revenge and destroy this land. I am destroying his oredered chaos so now it is only a matter of time till this new chaos goes too far and all is lost. Keep this in mind as you return to your room." With that the wheezing stopped, the room regained it's light but the quacking stayed quiet.

The small pink fluffy thing led Sid back to the ledge where night time had moved in with suitcases and holiday photos. While the ledge began it's desent, Sid wondered if this small pink fluffy thing would answer him if he asked a few questions. "Erm...Small pink fluffy thing?" he called.

The small pink fluffy thing looked down at Sid from where he was floating. "Yes?" it said.

"Is it always like this here with large bunnies trying to take control or destroy?"

"Yep." The shortness of his answer made Sid shiver. How can it always be like this?

The ledge arrived at the door to the long corridor. It would be a long roll back. Out side the world was calm and peaceful, not letting on that all of it was in complete chaos. Inside the corridor seemed even longer than before.

As he moved along the corridor he noticed something that he was sure wasn't there before. It looked like a tear with bright white light shinning out of it. Moving close to it he was sure he could see shapes moving in it. He stood there looking at it wondering what to do when it suddenly began to move to him and suck him in.

All was blackness yet there was noise. Bird song. Wait he wasn't in blackness, his eyes were just shut. He opened them to see that he was standing in the woodland again and there was the pig standing smiling at him.

What the? Had he escaped? If he had then that was very easy. He didn't know why but it felt very wrong. All of it didn't feel right. Yet the pig was there, the trees and everything before that giant sheep had flown in. Maybe it was just him.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

This is the story of Sid, who one day woke up to find that he had become a large head. Part three.

Sid's eyes opened slowly to face his room again. He was undercovers and warm. Everything was normal as it had always been. The same walls, floor, light and window as he had remembered. It must have all been a dream. So clear was it now that he felt like hitting himself for thinking that what he had been trough was real.

Well no matter, he had to get up anway. He must be more tired than he thought as getting out of his bed seemed more diffilcult than normal and his walk wasn't steady. His head ached as well. But this was just the beginning of his problems for when he looked into his mirror he saw the nose pointing at him. He was still the head.

At that same moment he heard a noise coming from his closed door. Moving as quickly as he could he made his way to it. The door opened by it self (for some reason) and Sid was faced with a different corridor than waht he was used to. Windowless, doorless, anythingless, it streched out into the distance at which he could see light. There also seemed to be a draft. Whatever this meant, he didn't know but he felt there could be answers at the end.

After a long and very boring roll along the corridor, in which the draft became stronger every second, the answer to the light was given. A ledge. A ledge from which the whole of The Land of Rob could be seen. A ledge off the wall of a floating castle.

The world below seemed oddly calm. After what Sid had seen and heard he thought things would be in chaos but yet it was peaceful. A river running off into the distance, a road joining another going over the river and woodland. The hills in the distance were hazy and the sky white with cloud. Did that river wink at him? It seemed like it. But that was not important for a small pink fluffy thing was floating next to Sid.

"I am the lord of doom," it said happily. "All shall feal my wrath." Sid just looked at it not knowing what to think. The small pink fluffy thing floated there for a few seconds then cried like a child. "You're not laughing," it moaned. "My whole point of being is to make people laugh as my master says. Now I have failed." And with that it floated away sobbing. Suddenly the ledge clicked then began asend the wall. Above, Sid could see what appeared to be a door into which the small pink fluffy thing was flying into still crying.

Now Sid was facing a new room which seemed to glow with all the treasure inside. Gold coins, slabs, statues, birds, lions, frogs, glasses, teapots, cups, spoons, paper, pencils, pens, rulers, calculators, protracters and a combineharvester. Not only gold but rubies, pearls, and me (the writer) of course for I am worth something, I mean mummy said so. The floor was soft and the walls covered with stuff.

Ahead was a curtain infront of which floated the small fluffy pink thing. "Welcome to the rest of your life," it said, it's voice completely changed to a now mocking tone. "We made your cell to that of which you are used. Now you shall meet my master." The curtain opened slowly to reveal Bill the Happy Bunny, quacking away.