Thursday, October 26, 2006

This is the story of Sid, who woke up one day to find that he had become a large head.

Part 7. (at long last)

It took a while for Sid to be filled in with the events he had missed. But their journey to find a piece of this The Rob, gave them the time they needed for both the story and Sid's own thoughts.

So much had happened and it seemed as though it had happened all in one day. He felt that it would be hard for anyone to feel like this.

The pig and the small pink fluffy thing hardly spoke to Sid which made him rather uneasy. But after all had he not become some evil being to them not that long ago? He decided to prove himself to them. It wasn't his fault all this had happened was it? But his companions were not unwelcoming. The pig still joked and the small pink fluffy thing was quite talkative. They were his only friends in this world and he was greatful for their company. And so the small pink fluffy thing flew, the pig waddled and Sid rolled along. On the journey Sid had his first proper night in this world and it made things easier for him.

It was apon the second day of this strange trek that they heard an odd sound. It was like a child's playful cries yet it was adult and echoed in such a way that it cause confusion to all in the small party. In the heavily forrested area it was almost creepy yet oddly calming.

"It's a piece!!" the pig squealed happily. "We've found it!"

"We can't catch it this form," the small pink fluffy thing said and turned into a tall woman clothed in some brown rag. It's voice even changed. The pig followed his example and transformed into smaller very thin man in a light brown rag.

"Funny isn't it," he chuckled. "That I become a pig."

Sid starred. The expig-man chuckled again. "This is the real us. Expecting something different?"

"Why don't you turn into your real forms all the time?" Sid asked confused as always.

"It's takes a lot effort," the exsmall pink fluffy thing-woman sighed. "Besides, flying is fun," she added with more humour.

"I wonder what you look like Sid?" the man asked with his grin.

Sid had to grin too. "Not much of a looker I'm affraid," he sighed.

"Why so negative?" the woman asked.

The man laughed. "Are we going to catch this piece or just have a nice chat?"

The man and the woman wondered through nearby bushes and Sid rolled after them. The sounds of play led them on and on through the forrest. There was no sign of any life except trees. The forrest was empty and the only sounds came from the piece and the wee group of three.

There! There was a strange light through the trees. A white glow. The sound louder. As the group approached a small child could be seen holding and slashing a stick obviously in some fantasy adventure of his own. It was this that gave off the glow.

Sid just looked at it. It was just like the one in the cage he had seen before. But this one produced light. Was there a difference between each peice or had something happened to the last?

While Sid was thinking these thoughts both the man and the woman were slowly sneeking up on the piece. It showed no clear sign of being aware of them. The man gave a sudden shout and charged at the piece which fled in a panic towards the woman. She grabbed the peice and carried it while it stuggled and screamed. The noise was awful and it affected all of them. The light flickered violently.

"Are you sure that's how it should be done?" Sid called.

The man ran to help the woman and called back, "Yes. It's not entirely alive not entirely a person. It's not really anything. I'll explain later," he added after seeing how confused Sid was. This world was too much for him. The woman and the man brought the piece towards Sid and set it down. It suddenly stopped screaming and began to play again as if nothing had happened. "There you see now?" the man said happily.

The piece walked happily towards Sid and touched his rather large nose. There was a sudden burst of light and great pain ran through Sid's er head. So much light he couldn't see and he couldn't move.

"Sid!!" the man and woman called out and tried to remove the piece from Sid. It was no use. They could only affectivly watch the strange event that was taking place before them.


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